Master the Sweep Single for Jiujitsu

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Master the Sweep Single for Jiujitsu

Jump into the world of the sweep single with this course! We'll show you how to pull off this cool move, get it started, nail the finish, and deal with your opponent trying to stop you. Get this technique down, and you'll be ready to take on anyone who steps your way.


This is a small snippet of the technique we'll cover in the course.

Who am I?

I'm a former DI Wrestler at Princeton University and a blue belt in jiujitsu. Outside of both sports, I enjoy coding, learning about bitcoin, and finding ways to improve my health.

You can find more of what I'm up to on my website.

Problems You May Be Facing

  • Struggling with Head-On Attacks: "I just can't seem to break through when I go at my opponents straight on. It feels like I'm missing a trick to get past their defenses."
  • Stumped by Size Difference: "Facing off against bigger opponents is intimidating. I often feel like I don't stand a chance and need a smart move to level the playing field."
  • Concerns Over Technique Application: "When it's time to apply what I've learned, I freeze. I worry about forgetting the steps or not executing them smoothly."
  • Doubts About Teaching Others: "I love sharing my knowledge, but I'm not confident in my teaching skills. I fear I might not explain things clearly or engage my students effectively."

What This Course Will Teach You

  • Sweep Single Basics: Learn the foundations of executing a flawless sweep single, including proper stance and movement.
  • Setup Mastery: Discover the secrets to perfectly setting up the sweep single, ensuring higher success rates.
  • Defense Conversion: Turn your opponent's defenses into opportunities, mastering how to counter their counters.
  • Confidence & Technique: Gain the confidence to not only perform the sweep single under pressure but also to teach it with precision.


I want this!

You'll get 40mins worth of sweep single skills, From the basics to advanced techniques – it's all here. You have the option to watch it for free or pay $5 to watch and download the video for offline studying. Enjoy and leave feedback!

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Master the Sweep Single for Jiujitsu

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